Dear friends!
In this site you can find a short chronicle and a history of creation of the first and the only in Russia engineering company, which produces the unique machines, specially constructed for using in mining surroundings.
It happened that the machines for underground extraction were not produced in Russia at the end of the 20th century. We have set ourselves the ambitious and complicated task – to create such a kind of machinery and set at leading western manufacturers a challenge. The results achieved by our team let me claim that we have been able to bring to life our most fantastic ideas.
Today the tens of machines «MAINER» day and night serve for mountain industry in Russia from Belgorod region up to Yakutia, at the Ural, in the mines of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. We are grateful to mining engineers for choosing the «MAINER» machinery, and this makes us seriously responsible and raises the qualification standard of demands. Today’s results of our work would be impossible without the like-minded team, without those «fanatics», who burn with the desire and put their heart and soul into our iron machines all the time from the very beginning up to the start of engine in a mine.
Many thanks to the whole our team!
Many thanks to the whole our team!
In this site you can find all technical information about the proposed mining equipment. We would appreciate serving you in the best possible way to provide useful information.
It is devoutly to be hoped that we will see you among the long-term partners of our Association!